Greetings From Cresco  Assisted Living…

  Spring has Sprung!!!!! We hope? Sure, have seen a lot of robins and I believe all the snow has disappeared. Let’s pray for warmer temperatures soon.  April is the month for new babies to arrive. We are having a Petting Zoo with all kinds of critters and creatures coming. That is on Tuesday, April 5th at 2:00 pm.   We are egg-cited to be working with EGGS in April. We are filling plastic eggs for the egg hunt, coloring hard-boiled eggs, and making deviled eggs.  Speaking of eggs…the Annual Easter Egg Hunt will be held at Evans on Saturday April 16th starting at 10:00 am. Bring your kids and grandkids!!!  Our monthly breakfast with Chef Kevin will be on Friday, April 22nd at 10:30-12:00. You may eat with your family member in their rooms if you choose to.  We are going to plant some flowers indoors in hopes of transplanting in May. We are anxious to get out and enjoy some warm weather and sunshine!!!

Have a Great Month and we’ll chat soon!!

Cindy Howland, Recreation Program Director