Nursing News
Another summer month is soon behind us. We have been experiencing some very high temperatures along with some very humid weather this past month. Although many of us enjoy this weather and would take this over the winter, the humidity can cause concerns with the elderly population. COPD (Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) is a common medical diagnosis in the elderly population, COPD can become exacerbated or worse when the humidity rises. Which is why it is important to keep an eye on the respiratory status or breathing patterns of loved ones when temperatures/humidity continue to be high and rising. It is best for sufferers of COPD to remain indoors where it is cool when the humidity levels are high to avoid extra stress on the body. Although some of us may complain of how hot it may be outside, soon we will be wishing for these temperatures again when it we have temperatures below freezing. I hope everyone is enjoying their summer!
Toni Kurtze, Director of Nursing