RED-dy or Not it’s February!  

Halfway through Winter and it feels so good! January has given some bitter cold days, so the feeling of being halfway to Spring has us all excited.  February, we have so much to celebrate with of course that special Day of “LOVE” But February is also the month that we wear RED in recognition to women’s Heart Health.  We are asking staff and residents to wear Red every Friday this month in honor of Women’s Heart Health.  With the Winter Olympics starting we will also be hosting our own 2022 Winter Olympic games day with some fun events and Medals awarded of course as well.  We had a lot of fun with Mr. Brian Lewis “Rocking to the 60’s” there were many smiles in the crowd lots of singing along, and a great blast from the past for everyone, especially with the surprise visit from the King himself “Elvis”  I am asking for everyone’s help in crowning our Valentine’s King & Queen please vote in the entry way of the facility, we will crown our winners 9:30am on the 14th of February.  We have a ton of fun planned for this month, as a reminder unfortunately visitors still can’t attend group activities, this includes music programs we really hope these regulations change soon so we can get back to some normalcy.  Remember to Follow us on Facebook.


Danielle Aguirre

Recreational Program Director