Activities with Amy
May finally brought us the nice weather we were praying for. We planted our flowers outdoors and started going on more walks outside. Our residents even picked some Lilacs to bring inside for everyone to enjoy.
We had a couple holidays to celebrate during May. For May Day, all our residents enjoyed the snack baskets handed out. Next, was Cinco de Mayo and yummy Margaritas! On the 8th we celebrated Mother’s Day by having muffins with mom and setting up many video chats between residents and their families. We ended the month with our May Birthday recognition where we celebrated by having Cheesecake!
We are now into the month of June and the weather has been fantastic! The Restorative Nurse (Meagan Gaul) and I have teamed up to get as many residents outdoors that want to go. We will be doing this 3 times a week, as long as the weather permits.
I recently received news that we can start having activities in small groups of 10 or less! This is very exciting for us! We can now enjoy Bingo in small groups, make crafts together and have small social gatherings all while maintaining social distancing.
We can’t forget that June is Dairy Month. I definitely plan to use that as an excuse to eat ice cream as often as we can this month!
If any of our friends or family drive by and see us enjoying time outdoors, please give us a honk and a wave!
Until next time,
Amy Norton- Recreation Director